> Support > Your Website > Bandwidth and Hard Drive Space > The difference between disk usage and bandwidth usage

The difference between disk usage and bandwidth usage

There is often a lot of confusion about the difference between Disk Usage and Bandwidth Usage. However, the two are quite distinguishable from each other. In this article, we will briefly explain the differences between the two.

What is my Disk Usage?

When you upload a file, such as an image, to your website account it is stored on the Disk. For example, if you upload an image that's 100kb, your Disk Usage will be 100kb. If you upload a second image that's 50kb, your Disk Usage will total 150kb. Your Disk Usage allowance is dependent on your Hosting Plan.

What is my Bandwidth Usage?

When someone views your website, in order to see images on that website the image must download to their computer. The amount of megabytes (mb) that it takes to download the image to their computer is added to your monthly Bandwidth Usage. For instance, if your website visitor views the images you uploaded above, your Bandwidth Usage will be 150kb.

Of course, every time a new visitor looks at your website, the images must download again, making your Bandwidth Usage 300kb. Your Bandwidth Usage allowance is also dependent on your Hosting Plan.

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