How To Make A URL Redirect

Part 1: Navigate To The URL Redirector


1. Login to TheWebConsole

2. From the top right of the menu bar click Settings

3. From the new side menu options click the Website Settings dropdown and select URL Redirector


Part 2: Add a Redirect


1. Once the URL Redirector options load, you will be given the options to either edit an existing redirect or add  a new one. To add a new redirect click the blue Add New URL Redirection button.

2. Once you have clicked the Add New URL Redirection button you will be prompted with the below fields:

  • Redirect From - this is the old page you wish to redirect, There are two choices:

    • Website URL - if you wish to redirect a page on your website simply choose this option and copy and paste the URL into the field, take note that the “” is already populated

    • Domain Alias - if you wish for a domain alias to be directed to a specific page simply choose this option and choose the domain alias from the domain drop down. Domain aliases are covered in other knowledge base articles.

  • Redirect To - this is the page you wish to redirect to. There are two choices:

    • Link on my website - if you wish to redirect to another page within your own website simply choose this option and type the page name into the field. (only place the page name, not the entire URL)

    • External link - if you wish to redirect to a page off your website simply choose this option and copy and paste the URL into the field.

  • Type - We suggest leaving type as 301, however you are given the option of 307, this should only be chosen if the redirection is temporary.


3. Once you have entered in the required information click the blue Save Redirect button.


URL redirects are a way of redirecting visitors from a certain URL to a different one. This is primarily used to tell Search Engines what the new name of a page is so you don’t lose your position in the search engines for an already well-ranked page.

There are three commonly used redirects:

  • 301 - "moved permanently" 
  • 307 - "found" or "moved temporarily" 

In this article we will focus on 301 redirects, which are recommended for SEO purposes. 301 redirects pass between 90-99% of link equity (ranking power) to the redirected page, which is why it is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.