Uploading Images to your Gallery

Now that you have created your Gallery, you need to start uploading images to it. If you have not yet created a Gallery, please follow the instructions in the help article Creating a New Photo Gallery.

To Upload Images to your Gallery:

  1. Now that you have added a Gallery, in the backend of the Gallery Tool you will be able to add and manage images for it. To do this, click on the Manage Images link for your Gallery.
  2. From the Manage Images screen, you can add additional images, set your Gallery Cover Image, as well as change the Sort Order of your Images. To complete these actions, use the checkbox on the left-hand side of the screen, then select either Edit, Set as Cover Image, or Delete as required. To change the sort order, drag and drop your images into position, then press Save Sort Order.
  3. To add images, click on the Add Image button, which will take you to the Add Images screen, below
  4. Click the Upload a file button and select your files for upload.
    Note: You may select a Zip file (archive file that contains multiple images), or multi select your images for importing into the Gallery tool. You are also able to set a Description for your image, which will appear as a caption when viewed on the front end of your website.
    When the progress bar indicates your files have uploaded, click the Save Image button at the base of the page and return back to your Gallery.
  5. To manage the images you have already uploaded, click on the Edit link to the right-hand side, where you can upload a new image, or change the description/caption that will be shown from the front end

The image will now appear in your Gallery. When you are finished uploading all the images to your Gallery, you need to make this Gallery visible on your website (if you haven't done so previously). To do this, follow the steps in Getting Your Gallery to Appear on your Website.