> Support > Website Add On Tools > Real Estate Software > Real Estate Properties > Importing a .csv file of properties to your Real Estate software

Importing a .csv file of properties to your Real Estate software

If you have a large database of properties that you'd like to add to your Real Estate software, you can save yourself a great deal of time by importing a .csv file of the database and importing it. Most database programs will allow you to export the data inside a file as a csv file.

To import your properties:

  1. Click on the Real Estate Properties tab when you are logged into your website account.
  2. Click on the Import tab. 
  3. Click on Browse, search for the csv file on your computer then double click on it.
  4. Click Import Properties.
  5. Ignore the first row by ticking the box. This row will most likely contain your headings and is for your reference only.
  6. Select the Column Headings. At the top of the remaining columns, you‘ll find a drop down menu. Currently the column heading will say ”Ignore.“ Change this to the correct eading by clicking the the ”v“ icon and selecting a field from the list. (The list will contain all your default fields, as well as any custom fields you have created beforehand.) You can ignore any columns that contain information you don't want to upload by leaving the column heading as "Ignore Column".
  7. When you are done selecting the column headings, click Complete Import.

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