"I was selling 10 books a month, but now I'm selling 10 books a week! Having this website and the functionalities it has has been the best thing I've done as far as sales go."
Sim deals with the murkier side of life in his role as writer and historian for Brisbane Crime Stories and Murder Mysteries, but things are looking much brighter with his new Bloomtools-built website. His many fans and followers can easily find the publications they're looking for, pinpoint the guided ghost and crime tours and stay in touch with Sim through his database marketing account and social media.
Sim wanted a website whereby he could manage the database marketing efficiently and simply and was drawn to Bloomtools because it allowed him to do this.
"I love the fact that I am able to control most of the database marketing myself," says Sim, "and it's so easy to organise any email marketing because I can time when campaigns go out."
The website promotes his publications and tours and Sim can use the Blog tool to notify visitors of upcoming tours and other information relating to the specialised subject matter.