Businesses expand to include Website in their product mix with no technical experience

Written on the 21 May 2010

Being in business is very competitive and we are all looking at ways we can make our business stand out above our competitors, keep our existing clients longer, increase our average dollar etc all to increase our profitability. Print, Marketing, Web, Business Consultancy companies and more are adding online solutions to their product mix to achieve these results.

We have all seen the statistics and even felt and seen the change in the marketplace ourselves - Australians use the internet as their daily source of information, communication and commerce. This is a growing market, one businesses are wanting to capitalise on and just having a basic web presence is not enough these days, they need the features and functionality that will take their online presence to one that generates real results for their business.

For many companies producing websites or thinking of adding it to their suite of products, find it hard to produce the level of functionality needed, as well as their own pressures of keeping up with the ebb and flow of work, maintaining resources and the costs associated with it. More and more are looking for alternatives, where the depth in solutions is provided by a third party with their own branding applied to it. So that means they can offer this solution to their clients, the third party develops the solution from design to functionality - leaving only the population of the websites and training of the client their only responsibility.

When looking for a third party, you need one whose focus is on Resellers so that they have the systems and processes in place. Bloomtools one of Austalias largest providers has found these systems the critical essential to the positive relationship. When other businesses are relying on you to deliver to a promise that they have made to their customer, you must back that up with streamlined systems to ensure those promises are met. We have over the last 4 years developed a sophisticated system that gives our resellers that piece of mind that not only delivery expectations are met but also quality is given" says James Greig CEO of Bloomtools.

The other factor is the depth in functionality the market needs and the growing understanding that the internet can give more to businesses than just simply having an attractive looking website to attract leads, they need tools to increase their conversion, capture details, increase and manage communication and sales to grow the revenue of the businesses. You need your third party supplier to be able to give you not just the unique designs, and CMS (Content Management System) so their clients can update their websites) but also one that is integrated with other services and products such as SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation), Database Marketing and CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) systems.

"Our sellers who through our training and their own passion for this industry, are helping businesses out there take advantage of this powerful medium, as well as increasing their businesses revenue. It is exciting to be a part of this massively growing and ever changing industry. One that keeps us on our toes making sure our sellers are giving their clients the best and latest technology at all times. Every month we upgrade our tools, which all our sellers clients get for free - they love it, as it is something that not many website developers are offering, yet it is critically essential...' says Greig

This is why, we are getting more and more web development companies coming on board as resellers - for some it enables them to concentrate on the top end custom work, but for most it is so they can concentrate on what they do best - the consulting side, enabling their businesses to be more profitable.

It has been essential to provide more to our sellers, more than just the designing and creation of their online solutions, but also tools that enable them to streamline their businesses as well with CRM to manage their leads, sales and clients; quoting and invoicing systems that they can add their current own products too; project managment and ticketing tools to manage projects and increase their effeciencies and customer management.


This article was provided to you by Bloomtools, Australasia's leading website developer. With Offices in Melbourne, Newcastle, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Wellington New Zealand. Online business solutions provider SEO, Websites (with simple to use Content Management System), Email (Database) Marketing and CRM.