Is your website just a brochure or does it get real results?
A gorgeous, colourful website might be nice to look at, but if you aren’t using it as a way to engage customers and generate repeat business or referrals, you’re missing big opportunities.
A good website should be much more than just a brochure of your products and services. With the right tools and content, it can offer a number of ways to start a dialogue with potential and existing customers.
Start connecting with your visitors
Do you know how many people land on your website and leave without buying anything or contacting you? Have a look at your analytics and you’re likely to find that it’s somewhere in the region of 9 out of every 10 visitors. Don’t let their visits go to waste – capture their details with something they would give up their first name and email address for (eg. a free analysis, report, competition, discount on next purchase) via a sign-up form and reconnect with them at a later date.
Use captured information wisely by starting a database marketing campaign to send engaging automated (trigger) emails with the power to turn a visitor into a customer. Alternatively, consider a customer relationship management (CRM) system that will store the details of your prospects and allow you to set up sequences and events to streamline communications. This can help you get in touch at exactly the right time and generate great sales results.
Design the website, with the user in mind - what will they be coming to your website for? What imagery and buttons do you need to put on your home page to help people instantly find what they are looking for (i.e. your top four services you provide; the main target markets you are attracting; common questions people may have etc). Another way to help is, one of the big advantages a website has over a paper brochure is the fact that it can be easily searched. Make the most of this opportunity by including a search function and allowing your visitors to skip directly to the information they’re looking for. Include a form that helps people take action – whether they want to get in touch with a question or sign up for future deals or promotions.
Show your visitors they’re in safe hands
Put people at ease with testimonials from happy customers that will help them build trust and overcome scepticism.
Ensure you've giving visitors the information they need to feel comfortable on your site. Include an FAQ tool that provides essential communications at a glance, with further information in expandable text descriptions.
Use a gallery tool to show before and after pictures – an excellent way to highlight the direct benefits of your services. You can also show that your business is community minded by integrating a donations button into your website as a way to raise funds for your favourite charity or a local community event.
Put up your accreditations, and memberships to show you are a quality business.
Stay top of mind and faciliate repeat business
The biggest lost opportunity in any business is when no regular contact is made with clients. Did you know that 78% of people leave a business because of 'perceived indifference' (i.e. they think you don' care) . What do you do with your clients to stay top of mind, build up the relationship, encourage repeat business? The other statistic we all know, is that it costs 5 times more to get an existing client to buy than it does to attract a new client to spend the same money! Use technology to assist you with email marketing - sending out automated emails on birthdays, reminders, anniversaries; send out promotional emails to encourage clients to take action; send informative emails that help your clients, that show you are an expert and you care; Use a CRM to manage all these activities; Interact your website and database marketing with your social media...
Is your website working, or is it time to transform it into an interactive and engaging online presence? It is simple to do, but often the best strategy is to learn what you can do and taking the first step.... So take your online to the next level by speaking to your Bloomtools consultant or taking a free website assessment.
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