Massive consumer Internet usage changes in 10 years
Your online presence is more important than ever
The Nielsen's 2014 Connected Consumers Report reveals that in 2003 73% of Australians spent an average of 6.7 hours a week online. In 2013 the time spent online reached an average of 23.3 hours per week!Consumers are not only spending more than 3 working days per week online but they are doing so in new and different ways:
- Less than 1 in 10 Australians made use of online chat rooms in 2003, while today more than 7 in 10 are active users of social media.
- 38% of Australian households have four or more connected devices in the one home
- In 2003 33% of Australian households owned a laptop, in 2013 this number was 77%
What this means for your business
This highly connected modern world means businesses have an increasing array of touch points to take advantage of. Online ad's consisted of 27% of total business expenditure in 2013, a significant increase from 3% in 2003.However, due to multiple device connectivity and simultaneous content consumption simply having your business online is not enough - you will become lost in the white noise of the internet. Your online presence needs to be executed strategically and be continuously developed to be seen and achieve results for your business.
If you are keen to find out if your website is meeting the needs of this digitally savvy online society call your local Bloomtools Consultant now.
Take a look at the infographic below for more great statistics: (source: Nielsen's Australian Connected Consumers Report)
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